Saturday, January 24, 2009


No, I don't mean complex as in difficult, I mean complex as in I have one. I've been going about this for a while now but I do not feel like I'm going to be twenty at all. Need photographic proof of my claim? Look at this (mind the colour quality, it was taken from a print screen of a webcam shot):

Does it look like I'm anywhere near the age of twenty? I don't think so.

But at least if it's any consolation to myself, at least I managed to take a cute picture of myself. Haha. Yikes, I think I'm seeing more of a resemblance to my dad (well, his sisters if you wanna be accurate) though everyone says I look like my mom.

Oh and I was bored so I took an emo/Rzeznik-ish (because of I've got the the squinty eyes, hair in the face, chin cleft goin' on) photo as well. See for yourself:

And to end things on that note,

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies,
When everything feels like the movies,
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive...

Yay! Now I'm officially a cool kid who whores that song to describe their emo-y feelings! Yay!

/heavy and obvious sarcasm

Anyways, going on, I bought Live & Intimate today (aka Deluxe Let Love In) and I loved it (that wasn't intended as a pun, by the way). Some of the songs sounded dead-on or even better on that live performance for the most part *cough* not Better Days and non-LLI songs *cough*.

I reeeeally enjoyed hearing Robby's two songs live (OMG he was so on fire with his two performances and being cute to boot!), as well as We'll Be Here (When You're Gone) and Can't Let It Go (surprisingly enough). I think that We'll Be Here's really starting to grow on me and dare I say it, might surpass Let Love In as my favorite track on the record. There was something about that performance that reminded me of the remix though. I can't put my finger on it. I'll have to listen to the original to make sure I'm not going crazy -slash- imagining things.

At the very least I can tell you that it's really making me look forward to the new release, whenever that'll be. It should be interesting given that I don't think they have to prove anything to anyone anymore or since I don't think that they have anything in their collective systems that they need to get out via songwriting. Hopefully that alone will allow John and Robby (mostly John though) to broaden their horizons and write about whatever random-ass subject brews in their heads.

Come to think of it, this should be interesting because of one other aspect - John's voice. I honestly don't know what kinds of things he can pull off and write because it's gotten so much deeper. It's gotta impact the writing if he has to jot things down in a certain way to accomodate it. Luckily, Robby doesn't have that problem, so I don't worry about him.

Oh well, there's no point in predicting the future since there are no guarantees. Now I'm off to spend the $20 iTunes card that I just got!

I know somehow we will hold on, we'll be here when you're gone...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just One Of Those Things...

You know how it is when you've known this one song for what feels like forever but you've never known who did it and what it was called?

Well, this is mine.

It played on the radio at work last week and I remembered this song from a long time ago. I also knew that I had to find out what it was called and who did it once and for all. Luckily for me, the title I guessed it was happened to be right.

I finally know that the song's Barely Breathing by Duncan Sheik.

The scary part is that it's from '96. Yikes. I thought it was released around Dizzy-era Goo.

'Cause I am barely breathing,
And I can't find the air,
Don't know who I'm kidding,
Imagining you care...

Monday, January 19, 2009

What I Said...Before...In A Different Place...15 Minutes Ago...

For those of you who aren't in the know, me and Jess have created a new board for the Dolls after a conversation we had following my brief stay at another board.

This place is basically a board where you can express your opinions without having to fear any kind of recoil if it doesn't fall under OMGZ!!!!ILUV!IT@#$CAN#!(# IHAVE^*&^#JOHN'SBABIEZ?!LOL.

That being said, it won't be like the other end of the spectrum where everything's a bash-fest or anything like that.

Anyways, here's the link.

Feel free to swing by and it's your kind of thing...well, you know what to do.

(Feel free to insert your own innuendo for that last sentence too, I'm just too lazy. XD)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Top Ten From My Top Five (Confusing, I Know)

I've come to the realization that I suck at making decisions regarding 'best-of's or favourites. I just can't seem to do it properly because I over-think and analyze things far too much to be happy with my picks because of the resulting 'what if's in my head. Terrible, I know, but I'm just neurotic like that.

I was thinking about doing something regarding the albums I've picked up that had been released in '08, but the list isn't really that big to really say much (especially when I've only waited for one of them to drop) so instead of that, I'm making a mix of ten top songs (in no particular order..okay, maybe alphabetical) from my top five bands (those will be in order).

1. Goo Goo Dolls

  • All Eyes On Me
  • Big Machine
  • Black Balloon
  • Broadway
  • Bullet Proof
  • Here Is Gone
  • I Don't Want To Know [cover]
  • Iris
  • Let Love In
  • Slide
2. 3 Doors Down

  • Away From The Sun
  • Changes
  • Here Without You
  • Let Me Go
  • Loser
  • The Real Life
  • These Days
  • This Time
  • When I'm Gone
  • Your Arms Feel Like Home
3. Stone Temple Pilots

  • All In The Suit That You Wear
  • Big Empty
  • Coma
  • Creep
  • Down
  • Dumb Love
  • Interstate Love Song
  • Plush
  • Trippin' In A Hole In A Paper Heart
  • Vasoline
4. Lifehouse

  • Better Luck Next Time
  • Broken
  • Come Back Down
  • Everything
  • From Where You Are
  • My Precious
  • Someone Else's Song
  • Somewhere In Between
  • Wash
  • Whatever It Takes
5. Matchbox Twenty

  • Back 2 Good
  • Bent
  • Disease
  • Hang
  • If You're Gone
  • Long Day
  • Mad Season
  • Push
  • Rest Stop
  • 3AM

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Have Magical Evil Powers, Just Watch!'s another song-shuffling questionnaire thingy-ma-bobber! Only this time I'm the one who's makin' one. See how fun this'll be! Hehe.

Oh, and if you're wondering about the title, I wrote that because it'll [most likely] force Jess into copying this one too - whether she likes it or not. I am sooo evil. Muahaha!

1. What would be your plan of action be if an evil madman threatened to blow up the room you and a bunch of others are in?

Leave Out All The Rest - Linkin Park (Hm. Good plan for me, not so much for the others...)

2. If someone randomly slapped you across the face, what would you yell out afterwards?

What A Scene - Goo Goo Dolls (Yeah, that definitely was a scene. Ouchies.)

3. What would your closet can be described as?

On the Lie - Goo Goo Dolls (My closet's lied to me? What the...)

4. If a friend Sharpie'd your face after you passed out at a party, what would it say?

One Man Army - Our Lady Peace (I don't think I'd make a good one man army if I passed out.)

5. What would make a good title for a romance novel?

Them Bones - Alice In Chains (Two things wrong with this. You can draw your own conclusions to what I'm thinkin'.)

6. What would you tell someone if they said, "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!"

Pray For Me - Sixx:A.M. (Hm. Didn't know it'd be that hard.)

7. What would you be constantly muttering under your breath if you'd gone mad?

A Daily AntheM - David Cook (I'll even mention that there's a capital M too!)

8. What song would you be caught singing in the shower?

The End Has Only Begun - Lifehouse (But I don't know most of the lyrics! I'd need to bring the CD booklet with me!)

9. You couldn't finish your homework on time. What's the excuse you give the teacher?

Cuz You're Gone - Goo Goo Dolls (Yeah, that makes as much sense as me not doing my homework.)

10. You secretely blush whenever a guy/girl tells you...

Cyanide - Metallica (Yeah, poison totally gets me off...)

11. How would you describe your perfect Saturday night?

Rise Today - Alter Bridge (Wait...that makes no sense. It'd have to be Rise Tonight, not today...)

12. If someone told you that your zipper was down, what would say to them?

The Joke - Lifehouse (The joke's on you appearently.)

13. What do you normally have nightmares of?

Some Day - Shinedown (Yep, I fear vague timelines.)

14. Describe your most embarrassing moment.

January Friend - Goo Goo Dolls (Yeah, February Buddy totally walked in on us...)

15. You cringe whenever you think of...

Assassin - Muse (Y'ever notice how Assassin breaks down to ass-ass-in? That's cringeworthy.)

16. 'Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto,' is actually Japanese for...

Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down (You sure that doesn't have to do with Mr. Superman?)

17. How would you describe your favourite dessert?

Give A Little Bit - Goo Goo Dolls (Yeah, to ME!)

18. Name a reason why you'd smash a vase against a wall.

Everlong - Foo Fighters (What? It was pissing me off so everlong.)

19. You know someone's crazy if they tell you...

Black Again - Stone Temple Pilots (Yeah, like I don't even know what's even black again.)

20. Which song would you be willing to do the Hokey Pokey in?

Stacked Actors - Foo Fighters (You know...the beat is kind of Hokey Pokey-ish...)

21. What would your theme song be?

For Whom The Bell Tolls - Metallica ( ominous sounding, I like it.)

22. What's the weather like where you are?

Only One - Goo Goo Dolls (Yeah, there's only one kind of weather here...)

23. You've been known to randomly blurt out...

Zero - Smashing Pumpkins (ZERO!)

24. You have a secret obsession with...

Cruel - Default (While, I am pretty mean to my little brother for no reason...and it's fuuun...)

25. You know you're having a bad hair day when someone tells you...

Almost Easy - Avenged Sevenfold (So if I look like a slut I have bad hair?)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Moar Shufflin'

Found another song-shufflin' quiz. Enjoy! (Not to mention, please play along!) :)

1. How are you feeling today?

Brand New Start - Alter Bridge (But it's quarter to ten...)

2. Will you get far in life?

Here is Gone - Goo Goo Dolls (*facepalms*)

3. How do your friends see you?

Iris - Goo Goo Dolls (...I'm a flower?)

4. Will you get married?

Deny - Default (Haha.)

5. What is your best friend’s theme song?

When the Heartache Ends - Rob Thomas (Awwwww.)

6. What is the story of your life?

Smooth - Santana feat. Rob Thomas (!)

7. What was high school like?

Frayed Ends of Sanity - Metallica (Oh dear lord, this thing is on a ROLL!)

8. How can you get ahead in life?

Become - Goo Goo Dolls (...I'll 'become' something?)

9. What is the best thing about your friends?

Animal I Have Become - Three Days Grace (....No comment.)

10. What is in store for this weekend?

Permanent - David Cook (...I have a permanent weekend? SWEET.)

11. To describe your grandparents?

Evil Angel - Breaking Benjamin (....Oh god...)

12. How is your life going?

Press Play - Stone Temple Pilots (Hm...has someone pressed play in my life? Er...that sounds nasty.)

13. What song will they play at your funeral?

Break My Fall - Breaking Benjamin (nope, too late ;D)

14. How does the world see you?

Smash - Goo Goo Dolls (I'm a...smash?)

15. Will you have a happy life?

Not Enough - 3 Doors Down (Truuuue...)

16. What do your friends really think of you?

Everything You Want - Vertical Horizon (Aw, cool!)

17. Do people secretly lust after you?

MC5 - Stone Temple Pilots (...Is that dynamite?)

18. How can I make myself happy?

Burn It Down - Alter Bridge (...I'm a pyro?)

19. What should you do with your life?

Blind Confusion - Scott Weiland (Ah, so I'm supposed to run around with a blindfold on. Gotcha!)

20. Will you ever have children?

The Crow & the Butterfly - Shinedown (What is THAT supposed to mean?)

21. What song would you strip to? (please not Super Massive Black Hole...please not Super Massive Black Hole...)


Sex Type Thing - Stone Temple Pilots (*uber facepalm* I think Scott Weiland has beat me to that...)

22. If a man in a van offered you candy, what would you do?

Movin' On - Default (That's right. I am smart.)

23. What does your mom think of you?

Hey - Goo Goo Dolls (She thinks I'm two guys shouting?)

24. What is your deep dark secret?

Let You Down - Default (Alright.)

25. What is your mortal enemy’s theme song?

Stop - Matchbox Twenty (Eh.)

26. What’s your personality like?

Into The Sun - Lifehouse (I...burn people?)

27. Which song will be played at your wedding?

All Nightmare Long - Metallica (THAT'S WHAT HE SAID! XD)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I Are Not Dumb.

I just got back the last final marks from last semester's classes and in short, I am happy. While I didn't do as well as my first year classes, to pass everything with an 80 and over is good enough for me. I guess I managed to acheive my goal in my first post (80 in Accounting for the win! Lol.). Woot!

Oh, on another note, co-op is okay but when it's around 9-11ish, I'm so tired that it's sad. I'm supposed to be a night owl. God, I hope that stops. Hm. Maybe I need to raid a Wal-Mart for some Diet Pepsi. I haven't had one in like...2 days?

Yeah, I know I have problem but I really don't care. Everyone's got their vices you know. ;)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Shufflin' Around

In honour of me shuffin' around for my co-op and having to move away from home, I present to you a fun game where you use an iPod (or any other media device) on shuffle. I've done this before, but what the hell. It's all in good fun. :)


My Apocalyspe - Metallica


Agoraphobia - Incubus (Mmyes...I do hate the outside)


Broadway - Goo Goo Dolls (...They have be on stage??)


Only One In Color - Trapt


Be Somebody - 3 Doors Down


Believe - Breaking Benjamin


Assassin - Muse (Wow, apparently my friends think I kill people for hire. Hm..not too far off XD)


Without You - Default


Come Back To Me - David Cook

WHAT IS 2 + 2?

Unglued - Stone Temple Pilots


Just Another Name - Lifehouse


Sin - Stone Temple Pilots


Glide - Stone Temple Pilots


Slave Girl - Goo Goo Dolls (I don't aspire to be much, do I?)


Dumb Love - Stone Temple Pilots (Haha. Nice timing.)


Pruno - Stone Temple Pilots


It's Not Over - Daughtry


There There - Radiohead


Supermassive Black Hole - Muse (OH YEAH, I do fear that one. But for a less obvious reason *winks at Jess*)

It feels as though I might make some sense out of this madness...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Leon, For the Love of God, Stop Doing That!

I bought the new Resident Evil movie (not the live action ones, the CGI animated one) and it was pretty good for the most part. What's weird is they've chink-ed Leon's face a bit and in certain angles/shots, he looks off and in others he looks insanely attractive (hey, doesn't that remind you of a certain someone, hm?). It's weird. But in any case, the biggest thing that really bothered me the most was the perma-frown and the constant standing with impossibly upright posture. Like for fuck sakes, I'd swear that he was trying to channel Squall Leonhart but even then, as hard as it is to believe, Squall wasn't that bad for that kind of stuff. Kept on expecting him to bust a 'Whatever,' or a 'Go talk to a wall,' though.

Oh! And they force this on us in the movie. Ugh. I know it's supposed to be CPR but she looked like she was enjoying that way too much and there's a fair bit of that kind of tension to chalk it off as simply that. Honestly, I'd rather see Claire and Leon but whatever, I've come to the conclusion that the dude's a walking chick magnet. It can't be helped. Like look at this, it's like she can't even be subtle about it!

Haha, just kidding about that. It was from the voice blooper reel.

Either way, despite the film's shortcomings, it was really good and definitely worth the money it cost.

Oh and FYI, this is the best part of the movie....
 the bloopers section.

Okay, okay, I'll shut-up.

I’m not made of steel, but your secret's safe with me...I can be anything that you want me to be.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Firsts and Lasts

You know, it's strange. Most people in my position (which I'll explain shortly after) would have said that their New Year's Eve sucked hardcore but I rather enjoyed it and wouldn't change it for what it was.

To summarize, I:

  • Ate from Pizza Hut for supper.
  • Submitted a short chapter of my fanfiction.
  • Bowled several games of 10-pin from 6-9 with my family.
  • Babysat my cousin's sleeping baby (so it's glorified house-sitting, really) from 9:30 to 1:30ish so he and his wife could attend a New Year's Eve party.
  • Basically watched House episodes I haven't seen before from the box-sets I brought on my laptop.
  • Listened to a little music and did a little post-posting editing on said chapter (I was in a rush).
  • Was paid far too much money for house-sitting but felt good that I did them a favour.
  • Came home to an assortment of junk food to find my favourite Tim Hortons donut EVAR.
  • Ate said donut. It was yummy.
  • Went on internet to do some stuff.
  • Typing this blog. (i.e. this present moment)

The weird thing was that I was happy to be essentially by myself just watching House episodes, not empty or feeling like a loser because I wasn't at some kind of party or whatever. I figure it's simply the distinction between literally being alone and being alone in a crowd that made the difference and anyone's whose ever experienced the two can surely tell you that the latter is by far worse. With a party or any social gathering, I have this bad habit of expecting something, whatever that may be, to happen and every time, it doesn't. With choosing to do my older cousin a favour, I already knew that nothing was gonna happen and I was content to be by myself and do whatever without being near anyone.

Boy, is my introverted side showing? Haha. Might as well add in a quote from Final Fantasy VIII's Squall Leonhart while I'm at it. I know one off of the top of my head:

"As long as you don't get your hopes up, you can take anything... You feel less pain."

There. Now this blog is officially full of awesome. Hehe. No wait, I think this'll make it officially full of awesome (this is pulled from by the way):

"Just got back from the concert. It was awesome, just completely fucking great, one of the better ones I’ve attended, I swear John gets hotter every single time I see him, and my body hurts absolutely everywhere, so a real update will have to wait until tomorrow. Meanwhile, I will be dreaming about the way John ran offstage and kissed Melina for serious OMG THEY ARE SO ADORABLE I LOVE THEM FOREVER!! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!"

Oh and some interesting/odd factoids about my night:

Last Song Played in 2008: All In The Suit That You Wear - Stone Temple Pilots
First Song Played in 2009: Here Is Gone - Goo Goo Dolls
Last Item Purchased in 2008: A 5-pack of different coloured iPod skins ($2.22 for the win!)
First Thing Eaten in 2009: Wheat Thins

Anyway, I think this year will rock considering I started it on such awesome terms but we'll have to wait 'n see. Either way, ciao for now. Gotta sleep. :D

What do you got to move you darling?